Rattling their Cage

Susan Kline sckline@home.com
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 16:22:47 -0800

At 11:19 PM 12/28/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Mr Bremmer is not well, that is obvious.
>Many have tried to 'help' him, but indeed, he just keeps rattling on.
>A hopeless case, and it would be best not to ever react to him.
>Just my euro....

I think you've got it right, Martin, but I also think that
he probably comes over much worse through email than in
person. At least, that's my impression, though I've never
met him myself. Email is a hot medium, and also leaves out
many visual and auditory clues which normally would
help us decide why someone is doing something. Not that we'd
necessarily agree with it, even in person, but we might
tend to respond more appropriately.


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