Question about ear plugs...

Sat, 30 Dec 2000 09:08:19 EST

<<I have worn foam earplugs for many, many years to help me sleep, 

>as I awaken at the slightest sound. I have developed a very frustrating 

>ear problem that I hesitate to call an "infection", but it may be this 

>"swamp" thing you referred to. I find myself scratching my ears quite 

>frequenly, and there is always a build-up of stuff in there that i can 

>never get completely out, and what i do get out just comes back again>>

     This sounds like a doctor should see it, don't mess around with a 
bacteria colony in your ears.  That build up of stuff is your ear trying to 
protect itself.   
An alternative to ear plugs for sleep is a white noise machine. It will mask 
most everything.  A long playing CD of surf noises or rainforest sounds will 
also become so familiar that you will go to sleep just thinking 

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