transporting grand actions
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 10:01:04 -0500

Thanks to all for all the good input on transporting grand actions.  

I still see a need for some device that is easier to roll out of the
house to the car than the "cart" idea, more along the lines of a flat
panel that will hold the action vertically, keys up,  with roller blade
wheels on bottom and a simple handle for guiding at the top.  Nice and
narrow for doorways, and able to handle bumpy terrains easier.  Time to
head to the shop, I guess, and DO it, THEN talk about it....  

Although... perhaps the suggestion of a simple two-wheel dolly, with the
action sitting on end and strapped in with stretch cords, is the simplest
Especially a collapsible one....

Mark Potter

On Fri, 29 Dec 2000 08:38:19 -0500 (Newton Hunt) writes:
> I have used a hand truck.
> Carried them vertically, left hand up at the bass hammer
> right hand hooked into a cross slat of the key frame.
> I learned to carry them with the keys in my belly and my
> right arm holding the action up by the back rail in it's
> center.  Far less stress on the back.
> The worst way is to carry them by the two ends, far more
> stress on the back.
> -- 
> 		Newton Hunt
> 		Highland Park, NJ

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