action brackets

Roger Jolly
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 15:54:57 +0000

Hi Frank,
          It may be worth giving Yamaha a try, they purchased the Everett
plant and stock, so they may have some collecting dust.

I have repaired brackets in the following manner with good success.
1.  Drill two holes on either end of two thin strips of brass. To be used
as supports.
2.  CA glue the broken joint. This will be just strong enough to keep every
thing in position for drilling.    3.  Use the predrilled brass as a
template to drill the bracket.
4.  Mix some epoxy, and apply around the joint area on both sides.
5   Bolt the brass strips to the bracket, also cover them with epoxy.

This will at lease get you out of trouble, with minimum fuss.

regards Roger

At 03:18 PM 7/19/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I took my Everett bracket to a welder today. He said it'a aluminum and
can't be
>repaired. It's a castng and he called it pot metal.

Roger Jolly
Balwin Yamaha Piano Centres.

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