post-reno health: how's yours?

Avery Todd
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 19:01:43 -0500

Hi Ron,

Was glad to finally put a face with your name, also. The Chicago
thing sounds like a good idea to me. One problem though, with me.
That convention is probably going to be too early for me. It ends
June 28th (I think it is) and we have a Festival here at the university
that lasts all the way through June.

If there's nothing that involves a piano, I "might" be able to get
away. However, it'll be a while before I know.

Keep the thought tucked away for later, though. :-)


At 06:35 PM 07/22/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hey John,
> >
> >Wish I'd known you were there. I'd have tried to look you up. :-)
> >
> >Avery
>Hey Avery,
>Both you and John (Paul Chick, Ric Moody, Phil Bondi, Dale Fox, and more
>than a few others) snuck up on me this year! About the only person I
>managed to surprise was Ron Overs, because I caught him in a sleep deprived
>state late in the exhibition hall Tuesday evening.
>If I haven't already said so, it was a pleasure meeting each and every one,
>and the way my memory's going, it probably will be again next year.
>Then again, maybe next year we can get a small corner of the PTG web page
>with a sign in list of names of those who intend going to Chicago so we'll
>have some idea who's attending and can make up prioritized social hit lists
>beforehand. Is that doable without more work than we're worth?
>Just a thought.
>Ron N

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