hanging hammers

Joe & Penny Goss imatunr@srvinet.com
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 17:53:29 -0600

Ain't it nicer when we praise rather than criticize?
Joe Goss

> On another area, there's not a day that goes by when I don't think of
> Wally's wise, sage and patient advice to a young tuner almost 30 years
> when he simply said about tuning the bass, "Put it where it sounds best."
> the years have rolled by, and the pianos tuned have mounted into the tens
> thousands, I always remember Wally's wisdom when I get to the bass. The
> point of where it "sounds best" has certainly improved enormously over
> but the results are always guided by his message.
> Thank you, Wally, and,
> Thank you, Les, for your magnificent post about him!
> Sincerely,
> Tom Sheehan
> NYC Chapter

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