10" "floppy"?? - OT

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 07:35:55 -0500

>I have a customer that collects those "music boxes" which play those
>disks.  They are still being made down south somewhere.  I saw one for
>sale at the visitor center for Hearst Castle, about $15,000.  My
>customer finds them in old barns and other places.  They make the most
>beautiful sound you could imagine.  Like those little jewelry music
>boxes, only much larger.  They have a crank and a big spring that powers
>it.  The disks are just like phonograph records.  I think some famous
>composers wrote music just for these music boxes.  Maybe someone else
>knows more...
>    Paul McCloud

Last I heard, Thornton was still making them. 

Ron N

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