Plate Ringing, Dealer Dealings

Fri, 8 Jun 2001 22:21:22 -0400

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"Enter the manufacturer into the mix, if available ....  Amazing how =
often they'll step in and get to the bottom of a problem, as seen in =
Terry's post above."

Well, yeah, kinda. They identified a potential cause, and said there was =
nothing they could do about it. I, as a Steinway customer, was not =
overcome by an uncontrollable sense of satisfaction. In fact, in the =
end, I traded the bloody little trash piano (inverted soundboard, =
pinblock/frame separation, ad nauseum) for a Boston grand which is by =
far a much better instrument (perhaps though, that is not saying much - =
at least they didn't put the soundboard in upside-down).
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Z! Reinhardt=20
  Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 10:20 AM
  Subject: Re: Plate Ringing, Dealer Dealings

  Watch it!  Certain people in certain places are liable to be at the =
mercy of the business end of my wrath over certain subjects.  Comments =
below ....
    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: Farrell=20
    Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 8:00 AM
    Subject: Re: Plate Ringing

    I had Steinway's head concert tech, Something Patterson (I think =
that was his name), poke around my 1098 for quite a while and decided =
the noise was not a sympathetic vibration, not voicing, not tuning, but =
rather likely a defect in the plate at the upper string termination. =
Nasty, nasty noises.


    And to quote the tech at my local Steinway dealer: "You'll get used =
to it - just learn to tune it out from your hearing!"


    So who's integrity is at stake here?  Is this tech trying to weasel =
out of troubleshooting jobs or is the dealer trying to weasel out of =
authorizing the time involved in this kind of work?  Or is it some =
combination of these factors?  Enter the manufacturer into the mix, if =
available ....  Amazing how often they'll step in and get to the bottom =
of a problem, as seen in Terry's post above.

    Z! Reinhardt  RPT
    Ann Arbor  MI

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