German scale

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 22:20:11 -0600

>A customer asked me what the brass plaque on the left cheekblock of
>their 1989 Samick console means.  It says "Imperial German scale."  I
>said I don't know.  Can someone tell me?  On the plate it also says
>"scale design by K. Fenner."  Is this something special, or just another
>sales gimmick?

Here you go.
Probably cures leprosy too.

I haven't gotten a chance to get a look at one of these scales in a 
spreadsheet. I don't know anyone who owns one who would suffer me taking 
the measurements, and I am certainly curious. Has anyone out there measured 
an Imperial German Scale that you'd care to share in contribution to my 

Ron N

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