Tight wippen centers

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 08:55:19 EST

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In a message dated 3/31/03 9:31:35 PM Central Standard Time, pdtek@mchsi.com 

> Seven years ago I had a customer with a Wurlitzer console that had very 
> tight wippen centers. After finding that a bit of center pin lube was not 
> going to do it, I treated them with Baldwin's bushing shrinking formula of 
> methenol, water and dissolved Ivory soap chips. I dried them with the heat 
> gun and it seemed to work fine. Now seven years later she wants to sell the 
> piano and the wippen centers are sluggish again. Part of the problem is 
> that the console action and keys are so light, that any friction anywhere 
> is going to keep the action from returning.
> I could repin them, but she doesn't want to spend that much since frankly, 
> the piano is not worth that much. Does anyone have a sure fire bushing 
> treatment that will loosen the most stubborn centers?
> Dave Bunch

There is no substitute for doing the job right in the first place. I have had 
several instances where I tried doing the easy thing, only to get burned. I 
have learned the hard way that the only method for eliminating sluggish 
action centers, and especially the wippen centers, is to repin. Yes, it's a 
little more time consuming, but if you tell the customer right from the start 
that the only way to fix the problem is to spend X number of dollars to make 
the repair, it will be done with, and you won't have to go back later to do 
it right. And that second time will cost you money. 


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