Pianocorder Tape player

JIMRPT@aol.com JIMRPT@aol.com
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:03:00 EST

Et Al;
 I have a pianocorder tape player that I have been shifting from place to 
place for years and have finally decided it is time to get rid of 
it............ Rather than just throw it away I thought I would offer it to 
someone who might have a use for it.
Cost: $5, to pay for shipping it to where ever it goes.
As best I remember it was working OK but the customer insisted that it didn't 
work correctly and wanted a new unit...so I obliged and the 'new' unit worked 
no better than the old one did, regulation and some adjustment to the player 
mechanism solved the problem,,,,,,,,,,,,the best I remember.......so if you 
have need of this thingee or still do pianocorder work   $5 ain't bad.
Jim Bryant, FL

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