Tight wippen centers

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:15:42 -0500

At 5:10 AM -0800 4/1/03, Mark Wisner wrote:
>It's the alcohol and water that does the work.  The soap is added to help
>break the surface tension of the water to permit easier absorption into the
>bushing felt (a surfactant).  The original recipe stated grated Ivory soap,
>presumably because Ivory bar soap is more pure than others.

Alcohol itself is a surfactant, so the soap flakes might be providing 
something similar to "lemon-freshness".

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"Round here we don't talk unless we can improve on the silence."
     ...........Ron Rude, local Public Radio Commentator.

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