Twisted key

Dave Bunch
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 22:08:18 -0600

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If the two adjacent keys were not there, could you square and level it? =
In other words, is binding at the rear of the key what is keeping you =
from lining things up in front? If so, you might be able to reshape the =
rear of the key enough to make it work. You could even plug and redrill =
for the capstan if needed.

Dave Bunch
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Bob Hull=20
  Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 8:55 PM
  Subject: Twisted key


  I tuned a Baldwin Hamilton today that has a twisted or warped white =
key.  It can't be leveled with the others or squared.  The front of the =
key is twisted compared to the back.  When you set it on a flat surface =
you can really see the twist - the front left corner of the  key is up =
in the air about 1/8".  I know sometimes you can force a wedge into a =
kerf cut into a key that is bent or warped, but it doesn't seem like =
that would work on this twisted key.  I would appreciate your =
suggestions. =20


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