Twisted key
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 22:39:48 -0600

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Should have clarified. The 9000 I serviced was NOT a warranty job by any
stretch. In fact, it had been in a very, very humid environment--abusively
so: made most of the bass hammers pop off the moldings. So, give them a try,
nothing to lose.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On
Behalf Of Bob Hull
  Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:33 PM
  To: Pianotech
  Subject: RE: Twisted key

  Thanks Alan.  Good idea!  A new key would be great unless they've changed
anything.  This piano is probably about 5 years old give or take a couple
years.   I thought Baldwin might not be servicing any warranty claims on
pianos made pre-Gibson ownership since Gibson bought only their "assets" and
not their liabilities.

  Bob wrote:

    I had this problem in a Baldwin 9000. It was during the ownership
transition to Gibson, so I don't know how things would go now, but I got a
new key from Baldwin with very little hassle (just a few emails)--they
didn't even charge me for it. Since this is still a piano in production, I
think I'd at least try.

    Alan Barnard
    Salem, MO

      -----Original Message-----
      From: []On
Behalf Of Bob Hull
      Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 8:56 PM
      Subject: Twisted key


      I tuned a Baldwin Hamilton today that has a twisted or warped white
key.  It can't be leveled with the others or squared.  The front of the key
is twisted compared to the back.  When you set it on a flat surface you can
really see the twist - the front left corner of the  key is up in the air
about 1/8".  I know sometimes you can force a wedge into a kerf cut into a
key that is bent or warped, but it doesn't seem like that would work on this
twisted key.  I would appreciate your suggestions.


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