OT - Olde Piano Plates Wanted

Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 12:00:19 -0800

I know that this thread was meant as an April Fool's Joke, but there is some
substance of thought here. I probably have a dozen or more plates leaning
against my storage shed. (Please, no comments about Red-Neck lawn decor!) I
regularly scrap out pianos. This, I think, is one of our duties. Getting rid
of pure junk pianos, will help to stimulate our industry somewhat. It also
affords us the opportunity to teach new techs how a piano is put together,
good or bad. Also, it is a great source for screws and obsolete hardware.
Yes, it takes up room in the shop/shed, but when you need this stuff, IF you
can buy it new, it will cost you an arm and part of a leg. Try finding #24
steel screws anywhere in the world. That, in itself, is an adventure!<G> If
you can find them, they will cost around $.50 to a $1.50 EACH! AND, ya gots
ta buy a hunnert at a time! Yikes!
Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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