HT tests

Richard Brekne
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 21:01:07 +0200

Just thought I would update a bit on this one

I got a chance today to talk to the professor who has the room where my
two test grands are placed.

He understood right off that there was a tuning difference between the
two pianos, but had difficulty looking away from the fact that he liked
the Yamaha much better then the Young Chang (no suprise there really).
That being said he also pointed out that he thought the Young Chang was
very much improved, and had a few descriptive comments that I have heard
several times now. Amoung these were

<< The piano sounds lighter... more alive >>
<< The piano has more life >>
<< The piano has more rounded tone >>

I have heard these same three comments, and similiar things from 4 other
students since I last reported.

He also pointed out he experienced the changes in the Young Chang as
positives. He agreed to play more on the instrument and think about
whether or not he feels this is conditional in any sense... ie music
period or key signature.

Otherwise I have had 4 students compare since last time, and though they
need far more coaxing to get to the point where they are aware of what
the difference is about, they echo very much what the professor has had
to say.

All are interested in continuing to see what they think of the
temperament now that they are more aware of what this experiment is all

I should also point out that all of the students so far have agreed to
not talk to each other about this, or other students yet.

So a distinct movement in a direction that supports the HT enthusiast
point of view.



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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