Help! Setting up a new shop/Warren Fisher

Warren Fisher
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 17:00:59 -0600

Thanks for reminding me, Joe,  I don't tune much anymore.  Just chips 
with an accutuner. They were suggested by the contractor.  We may have 
to turn them off when we are tuning.:-)  Have to make sure they are on 
Best regards,

Joseph Garrett wrote:

>Looks nice, (once I found it in the archives.<G>) One question: what's with
>all of the ceiling fans? Not appropriate for piano shop. They create the
>"Doppler effect". Will really screw ya up when tuning.
>Best Regards,
>Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)
>Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}
>pianotech list info:

Warren Fisher- RPT Retired, Navy Retired, Slidell, Louisiana 

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