Help! Setting up a new shop

Wed, 02 Apr 2003 19:22:12 -0700

At 04:49 PM 4/2/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>Thanks Terry,
>We will get that on order right away and talk to the contractor about 
>installing the steel plate.  Where is the best place to locate it in the shop?

    Itza steel building, right? So... have the contractor make one of the 
beams an I beam, instead of a C-purlin type. That way, you can run your 
chain hoist(s) on the beam, with ready-made roller tracks. Relatively cheap 
from Grainger. Super versatility with hoisting. Also, overhead storage is 
very nice, as Joe says, and you can kill two birds, so-to-speak, by having 
one section of storage be heavy-duty. I had the welder put in an 8X9 
overhead rack at a good height for go-bars. Lotsa versatility there, also. 
Go-bars can be used for all kinds of operations, when there's enough space 
and a good variable-height work cart.
     Water drains for your extensive air lines. Double whatever you think 
you'll need, and you'll save a lot of equipment. Also.... won't gum up that 
freshly sanded veneer. Auto oilers are cheap and handy for specific lines 
that use stuff that needs oil.
      A portable "stage" is extremely handy. Approx 14 inches tall, 2X12s 
with 3/4 ply and then hardwood tiles or strips. Not really cheap, but 
wait'll you try it. Just big enough to hold the three legs of whatever 
size. (like... 6X8foot) Tiltable for storage, like up against a wall, or 
dollied like a grand into storage. When you place your project on the 
stage, you can work dampers without a chiropractor, chip tune 
standing,  rub-out finish on the rim, and....and.... welll.... you get the 
idea. Real good height, and something besides concrete to hear the piano. 
Under you hoist(s), it will allow you to see the nose-bolts, etc., easily. 
Rig a break block or trim the edge with something to help prevent gravity 
       Slidell, eh? Forget the drop ceiling for the work space.  Office and 
baths, sure. Use that height! There's a lot of use for that space. Hang 
stuff. Keysets in clamps, vertical actions, you name it.

Oh.... and again Joe hit one of the real biggies.
Tunes, man,.... get that sound system in first!

Have fun,

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." - John Lennon 

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