Olga Kern -- Sioux Falls Washington Pav. March 2003

Phil Bondi tito@philbondi.com
Thu, 03 Apr 2003 03:50:37 -0500

Richard, I'm glad you enjoyed the show.

Olga was here about a month ago for the Sanibel Music Festival. She was
playing on a CFlll, and was asking for more 'brilliance' from the top
end..so maybe what you were desiring from the performance you heard and what
she wanted from me are similar?!?

I believe I satisfied her, but didn't make her completely happy. It was a
rented CFlll, and I know the owner of the piano. I didn't want to go too far
with the 'brilliance voicing'.

Richard, I'm glad yours was a good experience.

-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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