Thomas Piano ??

Tom Dickson
Fri, 04 Apr 2003 18:02:59 +0000

Hi, Folks,

   I had an intersting query, today.  I don't know that I have this clear in 
my mind, so bear with me in the description.

   The piano is labelled Thomas.  It has plastic parts in it and is probably 
about 20 years old.  The owner says he thought it was Irish-made had been 
handled by a company in California.

   It sounds like a direct blow action of some sort in a small piano case.  
Anyway, the owner says that there are "plastic pegs" in the back of the key, 
underneath.  These go into some type of aluminum channel.  He believes that 
they help in maintaining key operations, because without them the key just 
stays down and doesn't return to position after playing.  Some of these 
"pegs" are broken and he is looking for replacements.

   As I said, I'm not too clear from his description.  The piano is over an 
hour away, otherwise I'd go look at it just for my own curiosity.

   From this scanty description could some one shed more light on this for 

   Any ideas about the piano would be welcomed.

Thanks in advance!

Tom Dickson,
Regina, SK
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