Thomas Piano ??

Don Rose
Fri, 04 Apr 2003 12:35:07

Hi Tom,

Otherwise known as a "Rippen" do a search on the archives. He called me too
looking for parts--likely non-existing ones, as no one makes them.

At 06:02 PM 4/4/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi, Folks,
>   I had an intersting query, today.  I don't know that I have this clear in 
>my mind, so bear with me in the description.
>   The piano is labelled Thomas.  It has plastic parts in it and is probably 
>about 20 years old.  The owner says he thought it was Irish-made had been 
>handled by a company in California.
>   It sounds like a direct blow action of some sort in a small piano case.  
>Anyway, the owner says that there are "plastic pegs" in the back of the key, 
>underneath.  These go into some type of aluminum channel.  He believes that 
>they help in maintaining key operations, because without them the key just 
>stays down and doesn't return to position after playing.  Some of these 
>"pegs" are broken and he is looking for replacements.
>   As I said, I'm not too clear from his description.  The piano is over an 
>hour away, otherwise I'd go look at it just for my own curiosity.
>   From this scanty description could some one shed more light on this for 
>   Any ideas about the piano would be welcomed.
>Thanks in advance!
>Tom Dickson,
>Regina, SK
>Professional Piano Tuning and Repair
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