"Greasy New Chain Hoists' Stuff": special to Ron Nossaman

gordon stelter lclgcnp@yahoo.com
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 15:07:02 -0800 (PST)

    I appreciate your environmental sensitivity, and
the car wash might be a better idea. But I only needed
2 gallons of mineral spirits to cover the hoist,
turning it, which I later used for auto parts cleaning
until it was diminished in quantity and really nasty.
Then I poured it, as I do with all contaminated
solvents, onto several layers of gigantic pieces of
cardboard, with a tarp underneath ( cardboard from
furniture stores-couch boxes and such ) out back in
the sunshine, which allows the solvent to evaporate.
    There is much we do in this business which is
environmentally  "suspect", but I feel that it is far
better that solvents evaporate, as opposed to
landfilling, in which case they can cause much worse
mischief in the form of groundwater coinatmination.
P.S.: I think that the BEST way to clean a new chain
hoist, actually, would be to blast it with a couple of
cans of brake parts cleaner. (wearing a mask!)

--- Tom Driscoll <tomtuner@attbi.com> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pianotech-bounces@ptg.org
> [mailto:pianotech-bounces@ptg.org] On
> Behalf Of gordon stelter
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:35 PM
> To: Pianotech
> Subject: Re: Help! Setting up a new shop
> I cackle with glee over my chain hoist, too.  But it
> was coated with some really gross, smelly, revolting
> grease when I bought it, so I soaked it for a couple
> of days in a five gallon bucket full of mineral
> spirits. Still works fine. Much less nasty!
>      Thump
> >Gordon,
> Whew! People have been known to die from that
> grease.I think its called
> Fonzarelli syndrome. 
> 	Tom Driscoll
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