Used solvents <<WAS "Greasy New Chain Hoists' Stuff">>

Robert Goodale
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 18:35:08 -0800

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I used to know a guy who would burn old lacquer thinner in his =
lawnmower.  I'm not sure if it was too good for the mower but it got rid =
of the stuff and put it to good use!

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV
  solvents, onto several layers of gigantic pieces of
  cardboard, with a tarp underneath ( cardboard from
  furniture stores-couch boxes and such ) out back in
  the sunshine, which allows the solvent to evaporate.
      There is much we do in this business which is
  environmentally  "suspect", but I feel that it is far
  better that solvents evaporate, as opposed to
  landfilling, in which case they can cause much worse
  mischief in the form of groundwater coinatmination.

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