Agraffe reaming

David M. Porritt
Sun, 06 Apr 2003 11:00:20 -0500

Since I contract out about all true belly work, I don't worry about
this much, but, does anyone make thin spacers that could be used to
position agraffes?  A spacer of 0.007 would make the agraffe
90-degrees from it's natural seating point.  A 0.0035 spacer would
give you 45-degrees on an agraffe with a 36 TPI threading.  It's hard
to think that that level difference would be any more extreme than
the natural variation in agraffe manufacturing.  

Am I really off base here?


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On 4/6/2003 at 10:36 AM Ron Nossaman wrote:

>>  The whole point is that each agraffe, new or old, needs to be 
>> consistently treated to polish the termination into a true curved
>> although it is impossible to duplicate a fine capo shape with the
>> towards the counterbearing segment. Some agraffe sets in better
>> pianos are in fact canted toward the singing length to create that
>>Paul Revenko-Jones
>Very nice. Are you shaping and polishing to a specific contour? The
>was trying to make was that you can't accidentally insert a single
>thread in any way that it will end up 180° from where it was
before it was 
>taken out without making height changes.
>Ron N
>pianotech list info:

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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