Agraffe reaming

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 06 Apr 2003 11:14:33 -0500

>Since I contract out about all true belly work, I don't worry about
>this much, but, does anyone make thin spacers that could be used to
>position agraffes?  A spacer of 0.007 would make the agraffe
>90-degrees from it's natural seating point.  A 0.0035 spacer would
>give you 45-degrees on an agraffe with a 36 TPI threading.

Not that I'm aware of, but the shims aren't for alignment anyway. They're 
for height adjustment. For alignment, you sort through agraffes until you 
find one that screws in and bottoms out at the alignment angle you want 
before final tightening.

>It's hard
>to think that that level difference would be any more extreme than
>the natural variation in agraffe manufacturing.

And plate spot facing depth, which will likely be more erratic than the 

>Am I really off base here?

No more than the rest of us...

Ron N

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