Cat allergy

Susan Kline
Sun, 06 Apr 2003 11:21:32 -0700

> >I am allergic to cats.  ......
> >>
> >>   What do YOU folks do about cat allergies on the job?
>Not one single joke response?
>Tom S

Well, I mean -- we're all allergic to work now and then ...

I find that with hay fever (which isn't so different from cat allergy,
only more chronic) that using a little MSM helps. (Methyl sulfonyl methoxide,
normally present in the body already, actually just bio-available sulfur.)
Also, keeping a good daily rhythm, with ample sleep before midnight, and
no bright lights late in the evening, will help fix the immune system.
Avoiding dairy foods helps a lot with allergies. The prolactin in milk is 
active. Milk is intended to help out with an infant's immune responses,
which are not fully developed. Allergy is immunity run amok.

Allergic trouble caused by screwing up the sleep rhythms also is prolactin and
melatonin related.

Someday the medical researchers will really get to the bottom of the allergy
problem, and we'll know better what to do about it.


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