Agraffe reaming

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 06 Apr 2003 17:56:25 -0500

>I trim the undersides of the shoulders with a counterbore, by hand. It's 
>done by feel and goes quite quickly. I'd like to toss in this reminder, 
>though. If at proper torque, you're 15º short on alignment and you 
>overshoot during the trimming, you'll only have to trim ~10 mils more 
>before the next alignment, which come in 180º intervals.
>Of course, now we'll all being using Ron's "previewer". A real nifty idea, 
>Bill Ballard RPT

I have a nice sharp carbide tipped end mill that I used to use for that 
too. Haven't used it since I thought of the spacer "previewer", and haven't 
cut a single agraffe too deep since then either.

Ron N

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