Agraffe reaming

Bill Ballard
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 19:21:46 -0400

At 5:56 PM -0500 4/6/03, Ron Nossaman wrote:
>I have a nice sharp carbide tipped end mill that I used to use for
>that too. Haven't used it since I thought of the spacer "previewer",
>and haven't cut a single agraffe too deep since then either.

I bet you don't have to go through all two dozen of the trichord 
aggraphes before you run into the one you're looking for. That 
trimming is manual labor (it has to be to feel the tiny amounts of 
trimming involved). Which is why I jumped on your trick!.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"No one builds the *perfect* piano, you can only remove the obstacles 
to that perfection during the building."
     ...........LaRoy Edwards, Yamaha International Corp

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