Upweight Maximums

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 19:16:24 -0400

At 3:58 PM -0700 4/6/03, David Love wrote:
>I don't see how high upweights will make the action feel lighter.  The case
>you describe has BW at 50.  Friction of 8-10 grams is not likely in the
>lower end of the piano unless the pinning is really loose.  So that would
>put downweights in the 60 - 65 range.  Too much for my liking.

It's a trick question: what makes an action feel lighter, low BWs or 
low FWs. Friction of 8-10g in an action *without* loose fitting 
centers, could only come from low SWs. A BW of 50g has to come from 
in any case from low FWs, but in Ri's scenario, low SWs as well.

So Ric is asking, what feels lighter, a low BW because of a high FW, 
or a high BW because of a low FW. As I gather, the answer should come 
from the pianist's perception, not a set of gram weights.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

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