Agraffe reaming

Bill Ballard
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 20:22:04 -0400

At 6:56 PM -0500 4/6/03, Ron Nossaman wrote:
>I used to have to re-train on the end mill every time I had a set of
>agraffes to replace. I'd get pretty good at it just about the time I
>finished. Not anymore.

Think of the decay in your skill set which is occurring, because in 
that obscure corner of your operation, you're now by-passing a step 
which used to require skill. <g> How do you sleep at night...... naps 
during the afternoon with the time saved during aggraphe replacements?

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"I'll play it and tell you what it is later...."
     ...........Miles Davis

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