Agraffe seating

Richard Moody
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 20:08:25 -0500

Ron,  etal---

My question is how often do agraffes seat snuggly while facing the
exact right direction?   Having never screwed down agraffes, how
much turn do you have to get them right.  ---quarter turn?  It
seems unlike an outside spigot you have twice in one turn to get
them (agraffes) facing right if you can use both faces.  But do
you really have 180 degrees to get the agraffe to line up?   If
you get it too snug don't you risk it breaking now or later?---or
if it lines up but not quite snug then that might not provide the
best termination for the string. (Perhaps the cause of
intermittent mystery high pitch zings or buzzes?)
    Is the reason for shims to get the agraffes to line up while
being snug at the same time? ------rm

----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Nossaman <>
To: <>; Pianotech <>
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 8:08 PM
Subject: RE: Agraffe reaming

> > > How is it possible to reverse the agraffe in the same hole
it came out of
> > > with a single helix thread?
> >Shim or trim would be my guess.
> >
> >David Love
> That's the point. If you're re-using the original agraffes, and
they were
> lined up when you took them out to ream them, how is it possible
to not
> have them go back in the same threaded hole without lining up
just like
> they were before they were taken out? There wouldn't be any need
to shim or
> trim.
> Ron N
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