Upweight Maximums

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Mon, 07 Apr 2003 09:54:29 +0200

David Love wrote:

> 25g of UW is nice if you can get it at the right balance weight.  With 15 g
> of friction at the bottom of the piano then a 40 g BW will give you a nice
> feel and the upweight will graduate up to, probably, 30+ at the top of the
> scale.  Assuming 80-85% of  front weight maximums, that still allows for
> adequate strike weights with some ratio tampering if you like slighlty
> higher SW's or lower front weights.  Allowing the bass to go down to 23 g
> UW is okay too as most of the piano will be 25 g and above.  It's a good
> default setting, in my opinion.  I aim for  37-39 g BW under normal
> circumstances, 40-42 g BW for a concert instrument.   I like to keep the
> ratio at 5.6 or above.
> David Love
> davidlovepianos@earthlink.net

These seem pretty safe and standard specs. I dont think anyone will have much
problem with these for sure. I defininatly like at least 25 gr UW, but see no
need at present from going over 30... indeed I try not to.  I start getting a
bit uncomfortable when the UW gets below 25, and I simply do not accept below
20. That gets too risky me thinks.

One other point I would like to make here. I think it might be best when
refering to the "ratio" to include just which one we are talking about. I know
David Loves thinking well enought to know that he is refering to the SW ratio
(David Stanwood). While this is similar, and can be arrived at similarilly to
other conventions for measureing the action ratio, it is a fairly clearly
defined quantity that varies significantly from the action ratio that results
from some other conventions for measureing said. So for the sake of keeping us
all on the same page, I would suggest that designating this as the "SW ratio"
instead of simply the "ratio" is definatly a good idea.



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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