"Remember, you're the professional"

Phil Bondi tito@philbondi.com
Tue, 08 Apr 2003 16:20:47 -0400

I kept telling myself that today with this customer..

She called me about 2 weeks ago asking me to come out(45 minute drive each
way) and take a look at her player-piano(pneumatic) and why it wasn't

I assured her I knew next to nothing about player pianos and I didn't know
anyone in this area who might be able to help..she begged..I accepted..with
her full knowledge of my lack of knowledge with players(pneumatic).

I arrive to an old upright "that has been recently rebuilt" and "the player
unit was rebuilt too"..but it wasn't working.

The person who did the work had an idea to put 2 on/off switches under keys
#1 and #88 to turn on lights and turn on the motor..I've never seen that
before..and both switches were not wired up.

After I figured out what went where and why, it started up and the motor,
rebuilt mind you, was as sluggish as a Wurlitzer C-153 hammer

I warned her I was not proficient with this stuff, but she was a good
begger..so I stayed another 5 minutes to work the motor a bit and it played
better than it did 5 minutes ago.

When all was said and done, she was extremely happy to pay me.


-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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