Word on Kohler & Campbell??

PatchWick@aol.com PatchWick@aol.com
Tue, 8 Apr 2003 12:41:49 EDT

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Hi all! Thought I might be able to weigh in on a couple of experiences:

A dealer I tune for just picked up the K & C brand taking 3 uprights and 1 
grand. I was somewhat happy with the uprights, particularly for the price. 
The grand was another thing all together. Much trouble, I'm afraid. Even the 
keyframe was not properly seated, I'm basically starting from scratch. Simple 
careful prep isn't gonna do it in this case.

The Yamaha foam hammer rest is something that I bumped up against a number of 
years ago. A customer had the "P22" version that was clicking badly when the 
keys were released (hammers returned). After much searching I found the 
trouble to be with the foam hammer rest. When the shanks returned the felt 
produced an audible click. I called Yamaha and found that this problem seemed 
to be unique to this particular piano. I used a strip of thin, soft felt to 
cover the foam, adjusting for hammer distance and it now works beautifully. 
Anyone else ever run across that?

ever tuning,
will wickham

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