Pianotech Live Chat

John Musselwhite john@musselwhite.com
Tue, 8 Apr 2003 09:58:16 -0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)

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April 8, 2003=0D
Hello Everyone:=0D
The twice-weekly Pianotech live chats have been a great success over the=0D
past few years, with active participants from many parts of the globe.=0D
Thanks to all of you who join in with us and if you don't we hope to see =
in the future, even if it's just to say hello some day!=0D
Chat times are Tuesday and Thursday evenings from about 8pm-1am Eastern T=
and Greenwich Mean Time (Tuesday mornings in North America). =0D
There is now an International Sunday chat as well, taking place Sunday=0D
mornings for those in North America and Sunday Evening for those closer t=
The #pianotech channel is carried on the "Starlink-IRC" network.=0D
Starlink-IRC supports the #pianotech channel with a browser-based Java ch=
as well as WEB-TV.=0D
To those who do not wish to learn (or load) another program or have had=0D
problems connecting with us in the past, connecting to the live chat is a=
simple if your browser supports "Java" as most modern browsers do. Go to:=
http://houston.tx.us.starlink-irc.org/ Follow the simple directions and j=
#pianotech. =0D
This is an excellent opportunity to interact with other technicians=0D
worldwide in real time. On either of the two nights you may run into many=
people whom you may know from these lists and from conventions. Discussio=
range from shop talk about tools and techniques to piano design and of=0D
course, using the Internet. Additional public and private "rooms" can be =
up instantly for mini-technicals if required without having to leave the=0D
#pianotech channel.=0D
The #pianotech "ftp" site, with MIDI files, pictures and other materials=0D
used in current and previous discussions can be found at: http://www=0D
Complete information about the IRC channel can be found on the excellent =
Official #Pianotech WWW Page" at: http://www.bigfoot.com/~kmvander/ircpia=
html =0D
Many thanks to Kathleen and David Vanderhoofven for developing and hostin=
the page.=0D
For detailed information on Starlink-IRC including how to connect with yo=
browser or through WEB-TV please go to: http://www.starlink-irc.org/=0D
If anyone has any questions, please EMail myself or David unless you feel=
the list participants might be interested. Live chat is a great way to=0D
exchange ideas or just spend some time in friendly conversation with=0D
like-minded people.=0D
We're hoping to see some of you Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings as well =
Sundays (or ANY time!) in #pianotech on Starlink-IRC. =0D
                            John (BudBass)
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