Foam Rubber on Rest Rail?

Z! Reinhardt
Tue, 8 Apr 2003 14:33:03 -0400

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 10:33 AM
  Subject: Foam Rubber on Rest Rail?

  ... the hammer rest rail "felt" was actually foam rubber.  Well, the =
shanks do land softly...:-) It made me wonder about the quality of =
materials in the rest of the piano.  =20
  + There are a handful of these going back 10 years or more in my =
customer base.  The foam rubber is still holding up.  The guys at Yamaha =
may have some figures on how long the stuff is designed to last in a =

  ... Like most Yamahas that I've tuned, it had very few strings with =
false beats and the pins were consistent.  But how long before it starts =
to self-destruct?  Especially since it is a Disklavier and gets played =
at least 8 hours a day...=20

  Dave Stahl=20

  + Disklaviers like to be well-regulated with minimal friction.  Ditto =
for the electrical parts.  The tests and calibrations should be run at =
every service call so the electrical stuff will "know" where the action =
is at.  You might want to make sure all the flange screws are =
sufficiently snug at every service call.  Loose screws will cause it to =
self-destruct pretty quickly.

  + I know of some Disklaviers that have logged 10K or more hours of =
playing time without a problem.  There's one I know of with over 50K =
hours by now.

  Z! Reinhardt  RPT
  Ann Arbor  MI

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