"scrunching" in an SF10

Ron Koval drwoodwind@hotmail.com
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 20:32:24 +0000

Thought I'd share today's adventure with you-

Tuned our Baldwin 7' SF10 today for a choir competition tomorrow.  As I was 
playing at the end (check those pedals!) I noticed a scrunching noise coming 
from a key in the middle, on the downward stroke of the key.  Well, it's 
"only" a choir contest, maybe I can get to it later, you have to play pretty 
quiet to hear it.  Naw, better do it now, I'm here, and have the time.

Hmmmm, what did they drop in there now......  No, nothing extra inside.  
Wasn't the key, so it must be the hammer or the whippen.  Went to push down 
on the balancer to check the hammer movement.  It wouldn't move.  Oh, oh.  
It seems that the hammer rail was a little loose and moved a smidgen towards 
the tail of the piano, making a few whippens drag on the rail, causing above 
mentioned noise.

Well, that's a snap, pull on the rail and tighten down 4 screws.  Yes, 
but.... now most of the hammers are blocking.  Wow, the rail didn't move 
that far, did it?  Guess it doesn't take much!  88 capstans, 88 drop screws, 

All in all, glad I looked into it before piano recital time.

Ron Koval

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