Stanwood Standards

Richard Brekne
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 23:38:17 +0200

Farrell wrote:

> Keep the banter going! Even though some of use don't jump right into the foray, doesn't mean there is no interest. I am familiar with some of the words of this language. I have simply not used Stanwood methodology enough to be fluent with the language - I need to keep looking up many words - but I recognize the utility of it all and incorporate it into every action rebuild I have ever done. Both of them.
> Terry Farrell
> _______________________________________________

Oh I am sure you'll hear more and more as time goes by, and I fully expect you to get involved in due time as well. I had hoped to see a readout on my last query, but I suppose everyones off of Easter Week Holiday now. I leave for Amsterdam in the morning.

See you all in a weeks time !



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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