Killer Octave Question

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 18:34:26 -0500

>What is there about the killer octave area of the soundboard that makes it 
>more prone to failure or poor performance? Most any old soundboard seems 
>OK at least tenor and below. Many, if not most have some high treble going 
>for it. What is it about the design, or increased stresses or whatever in 
>this area that makes the killer octave area develop?
>Terry Farrell

It's an impedance problem (or problems). The board isn't stiff enough in 
the killer octave area. Do archive searches on "impedance" and "killer 
octave" and prepare to spend at least a week reading. There's also some 
bearing loading and leverages there that explain how you can get both 
negative bearing and crown.

Ron N

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