Then there were one

Greg Newell
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 16:11:29 -0400

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         This IS sad news. Still, with your vast wealth why don't you=20
simply buy them out and produce these pianos yourself? Just kidding. It's a=
shame, really! Are the conditions over there similar to American schools=20
where anything athletic gets fully funded while music departments go hungry=
more often than not? To what do you attribute this companies demise?

Greg Newell

At 08:54 AM 4/10/2003, you wrote:

>Sad but
>The British Piano Manufacturing Co Ltd went bust on Monday 7th April
>Production of Bentley, Broadwood, Knight, Welmar, and Woodchester pianos
>stopped the workforce where told to get their tools and  go by the men
>form the bank.
>Production of Broadwood uprights may go  to Kembles the last of the big
>piano manufactures left in the UK
>Barrie Heaton      PGP key on request 
>AcryliKey Ivory Repair System UK =A9             =
>The U.K. Piano Page =A9                 
>                                  Home to the UK Piano Industry
>pianotech list info:

Greg Newell

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