Then there were one

Barrie Heaton
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 08:27:39 +0100

In message
Greg Newell <> writes
>        This IS sad news. Still, with your vast wealth why don't you simply buy
>them out and produce these pianos yourself? Just kidding. It's a shame,
>really! Are the conditions over there similar to American schools where
>anything athletic gets fully funded while music departments go hungry more
>often than not?

Yes just the same here some schools have not has their pianos tuned for
years. One of my local schools who have 4 nice pianos including
Bluthner and a S&S grands are only have them tuned every  2 years I am
to remind them each time you go they are in such a state you have to
point out that it will be more that the cost of a normal tuning last
time the S&S was misted out could not afford it

>To what do you attribute this companies demise?

Cheep overseas pianos,  it was OK when the quality was not so good....
but the quality has improved and the price has come down in real terms
on some of the overseas pianos

Yet Kemble is doing very well,  but they have a very modern conveyor
style production plant which keeps costs down and has increased quality
as well


Barrie Heaton      PGP key on request 
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