new mac-software in back of ptg journal

Bill Ballard
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 22:04:43 -0400

At 7:33 PM -0500 4/10/03, Steve Borgstrom wrote:
>I wish someone would write an ETD for the Palm platform. I would buy 
>a Palm Tungsten and whatever ETD gets written for the Palm almost 
>immediately. (I never buy software that is version X.0, I wait for 
>the first or second update! <grin>)

I'd always assumed that the processor behind the Palms was not built 
for much more than simple database work (create/edit/retrieve a 
record). The most complicated thing I ever saw it do was to convert 
human graffiti to text. The digital signal processing and high math 
probably needs a more powerful processor.

Hazen doesn't even need the Palm handheld to use its PIM on his 
desktop. I doubt the app would ever start to wonder why it had never 
been synched with anything.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"Talking about music is like dancing about architecture"
     ...........Steve Martin

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