Broach roughness - Was: Repinning flanges

J Patrick Draine
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 07:54:18 -0400

On Friday, April 11, 2003, at 06:45  AM, Clyde Hollinger wrote:

> But I came across a set that was so rough that it looked to me like 
> they stood
> a good chance of removing too much felt.  I would be afraid to use them

Umm, that would be the set sold by the former APSCO, right? Quite 
rough. Though much better than the ultra destructo "old style" one size 
fits all reamer. The Mannino set sold by Schaff is much more subtle.

One question I do have is am I the only one who ends up with the sharp 
tips of these broaches getting bent, causing an unnecessary poke or 
very slight tear at the bushing cloth which has just been oh so 
carefully reamed to the proper dimension? Perhaps I should be nipping 
off the tips and grinding off the sharp edges.


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