Broach roughness - Was: Repinning flanges

Fri, 11 Apr 2003 07:05:22 -0400

I'm glad someone has noticed this also. I've heard so much praise of the "Mannino" broaches. When I find one the right size, they do work very nicely. But they also offer a great source for frustration. I think I have several from the "not rough enough" set and several from the "so rough" set. I think my set of six runs from 0.049" to 0.054". If a 0.050" broach is still a bit too tight, you can't just go up one size - one size up may ream out a huge hole - you might need to go up two sizes to get the hole you want. Some of them will gently remove a little felt at a time, and some work like a chainsaw. At least with my set, the manufacturing quality control is right up there with a 1978 drop-key "Grand" console.

Anyone want to trade sets? Mine will provide hours of entertainment! They keep you awake through an otherwise boring task.

Terry Farrell
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Clyde Hollinger" <>
To: <>; "Pianotech" <>
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 6:45 AM
Subject: Broach roughness - Was: Repinning flanges

> Friends,
> I discovered quite by accident at a PTG convention, when looking over tools,
> that the rough part of broaches can be quite different.  I have used the same
> set for years, and the rough part is not rough enough to "clog up."  They
> always worked fine for me.
> But I came across a set that was so rough that it looked to me like they stood
> a good chance of removing too much felt.  I would be afraid to use them unless
> someone else looked at them and said, "Oh, yes, that's the way my set is, and
> they work fine."  I'm not going to buy such a set just to try it out.
> Regards,
> Clyde
> David Love wrote:
> > In the process of repinning the action using broaches, I found that the
> > roughened part of the broach kept clogging with felt which reduced it's
> > cutting efficiency.
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