Broach roughness - Was: Repinning flanges

Clyde Hollinger
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 06:45:57 -0400


I discovered quite by accident at a PTG convention, when looking over tools,
that the rough part of broaches can be quite different.  I have used the same
set for years, and the rough part is not rough enough to "clog up."  They
always worked fine for me.

But I came across a set that was so rough that it looked to me like they stood
a good chance of removing too much felt.  I would be afraid to use them unless
someone else looked at them and said, "Oh, yes, that's the way my set is, and
they work fine."  I'm not going to buy such a set just to try it out.


David Love wrote:

> In the process of repinning the action using broaches, I found that the
> roughened part of the broach kept clogging with felt which reduced it's
> cutting efficiency.

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