Major OT: Pianos In Iraq - 4-11-03 NY Times

David Skolnik
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 11:08:39 -0400

Today's front page NY Times is a keeper!

It, along with other speculations here over the last few days suggests that 
it may be a propitious moment for Andy to set up a separate list, just for 
related threads.  I'm kidding - sort of....  It seems that we've been doing 
well with both the percentage of OT posts, and the "OT" designations, but I 
fear that, as some of we begin to allow some expression of our (possibly 
ambivalent) feelings and (warped) personalities to emerge, tinged perhaps 
with our own particular pallet of coping techniques (i.e. humor, bad taste, 
etc.), there might be an advantage to separating such posts even from the 
day-to-day OT.  Since I'm separating OT and Non-OT anyway (yes Bill, still 
by hand) it all don't bother me anyway.

So, many thoughts, mostly ridiculous, begin to emerge:

Since the Havana project already has an infra-structure, they should 
coordinate with existing International technician organisations to get 
special-ops technicians on the ground ASAP.

Alternately, fly in Boston group currently attempting salvage of Babe 
Ruth"s piano.  It's not going anywhere.

Determine origin of damage instruments and determine if such damage is 
specifically excluded from manufacturer's warranty.

Locate members of Symphony orchestra, referred to in earlier post.  Find 
out if there WERE any technicians in the city/country.  (Serious)

Find out pitch standard and temperments used.  Determine possible 
consequences of other pitch standards and temperments being used.  Explore 
popular climate for similar such methods of approach to alternate pitch 
standards and temperments in this country.  (Pro & Con).

Would any effort to land a piano rebuilding and resupply contract be 
required to go through Halliburton?  Is anyone on this list already 
employed by them?

Since Karen Schmitt is already packed for traveling ("Working Cruise"), she 
might be available for immediate deployment, in which case, there would be 
a really neat cruise job opening up.

Is there a marketing opportunity for DampChaser here?  How would special 
electrical or water purification issues be addressed?  Would the 5 year 
warrantee still apply?

Doubtless more to come, at equally inopportune moments.

With love -

David Skolnik

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