Killer Octave Question

Fri, 11 Apr 2003 10:32:38 -0600

At 10:06 PM 4/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:

>   I know that someone has done the math on this. <SNIP>
>    There is evidence for debate on the arch theory. The observed change in
>the Mason & Hamilin centripedal resonator <SNIP AGAIN>
>Ed Foote RPT

There ya go, Ed. Math or not, the effects of the resonator are hard to 
ignore. The ease and relative inexpensiveness of installing one of 
PianoTeks' new turnbuckle resonators will address your concerns quite well. 
In other words, just do it. Then, you can actually listen, in real time, as 
you brace the bellyrail in the killer area (and just above). A couple of 
quick turns on the turnbuckle and... well..... just do it. Been there, done 
that, and will suggest it to ANYone with a hundred and fifty bucks and a 
half hour to kill. Well worth it.

Guy Nichols, RPT
Ft. Stinkin' Desert, NM

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