Killer Octave Question

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 12:08:04 -0500

>There ya go, Ed. Math or not, the effects of the resonator are hard to 
>ignore. The ease and relative inexpensiveness of installing one of 
>PianoTeks' new turnbuckle resonators will address your concerns quite 
>well. In other words, just do it. Then, you can actually listen, in real 
>time, as you brace the bellyrail in the killer area (and just above). A 
>couple of quick turns on the turnbuckle and... well..... just do it. Been 
>there, done that, and will suggest it to ANYone with a hundred and fifty 
>bucks and a half hour to kill. Well worth it.
>Guy Nichols, RPT

I don't know anyone who's actually tried it who doesn't agree that belly 
rails can benefit from additional bracing. That's an impedance and tone 
consideration having not a thing to do with rim spread causing crown to fall.

Ron N

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