Was "Killer Octave Question" now (OT)

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 19:19:28 -0500

>         No box that says Bla Bla Bla. I thought you were kidding when I 
> read that. Actually gave me a little chuckle and then I felt stupid for 
> not being able to follow along. I wish i could send a screen shot of what 
> I see but I don't have that tab or box on my screen. Preferences? What 
> would get that box to show?

Sorry, that's Blah, etc. I don't know where the switch would be. I looked 
through the configuration stuff and don't see anything obvious to turn it 
on or off. Looks like you may have to dig around and try EVERYTHING. 
<G>  Joy! Every version of Eudora I've run has had this as default (I 
think). I seem to be out of useful suggestions. If I come up with anything 
informative, I'll holler.

Ron N

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