Yamaha GH1G

Rob Fitzpatrick robert_j_fitzpatrick@yahoo.com
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 22:40:09 -0700 (PDT)

I am considering purchasing a new Yamaha GH1G from a
well respected local dealer.  The price is what I want
to spend ($10,200), the size is right for my living
space, my wife likes the mahogany case and the piano
sounds good to my untrained ear (I started taking
lessons only a few months ago).  I thought this was
the perfect piano for me, after all I am a novice
player, but after reading the numerous posts about the
scaling issues I am concerned.  Prior to reading the
posts I somewhat naively assumed the piano would be a
decent piano based upon the Yamaha name.  Should I not
buy this piano due to these issues?  Thanks in advance
for your thoughts!

Rob Fitzpatrick

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